Friday, December 3, 2010

French Fridays

We believe that the weekend is cause for celebration i.e "Déjeuner Avec des Amis" (lunch with friends)! Our love for French cuisine and culture called us to this adorable, little French cafe called La Madeleine. Between the French music playing in the background, the French brewed coffee, and hot made to order French specialties; there was no way you didn't feel like you were in France the moment you stepped foot into this cafe! There was even a French bakery to welcome you at the door, and a woman on cassette teaching you French words in the ladies room! All these components made it our new favorite spot to head out to with the girls. After we finished our delightful brunch date, we did some boutique shopping to complete the afternoon. It was a great way to jump start our weekend.

Make your weekend pretty. Check out their menu, find a location near you, and go. If there isn't one, then head to one of your favorite spots and catch up with a friend. Perhaps one that has been on your heart.

stay pretty,
Xo. H&M

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